Panna Cotta

Ingredients Panna Cotta:

  • 6 leaves white gelatine
  • 1 vanilla pod
  • 2 containers whipped cream (250 g)
  • 250 ml milk
  • 3 tbsp sugar
  • 1 stick cinnamon

Ingredients Apricot Compote:

  • 400 g apricots
  • 2 tbsp sugar
  • 100 ccm white wine or 2 tbsp lemon juice and water
  • 5 mint leaves


For Panna Cotta:

Soak Gelatine in cold water. Cut vanilla pod lengthwise and remove core. Bring whipped cream, milk, sugar, stick cinnamon, vanilla core and pod to a boil, and dissolve gelatine from which excess water has been wrung out. Pour cream-milk through a seive. Rinse small forms or cups (about 100 ccm) with cold water and fill with cream-milk. Let stand overnight in refrigerator to gel.

For apricot compote:

Parboil apricots with boiling water and rinse with cold water. Remove peel cut in half and remove stones. Caramel sugar at medium heat in a large pot. Slowly add white wine (Careful: It sprays!) and soak apricots in it. Cut mint leaves into strips and stir into the compote.

Serving suggestions:

To remove chilled Panna Cotta from the form, dip form in hot water without allowing water to contact the Panna Cotta. Loosen the cream from the form with a knife tip and turn over onto serving plate. Serve Panna Cotta with apricot compote beside it.

Information: About 290 cal, 21 g fat per portion

Tip: Panna Cotta also tastes good with any kind of fresh fruit.

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